Home Music Brendan Bayliss Guests With The Disco Biscuits At Holidaze 2018 Finale

Brendan Bayliss Guests With The Disco Biscuits At Holidaze 2018 Finale


The 2018 installment of Holidaze came to a close on Saturday with performances from Orchard Lounge, The Disco Biscuits, Umphrey’s McGee and Pigeons Playing Ping Pong in Puerto Morelos, Mexico. Umphrey’s McGee guitarist Brendan Bayliss sat-in with tDB for a Duran Duran cover at the end of the Biscuits’ first of two sets on Saturday.

Classic “Once The Fiddler Paid” served as the opener for the Biscuits’ first set. A rare “Rockafella” was then followed by a run of “Shelby Rose,” “The Champions” and the end of “Kamaole Sands.” The latter number concluded a version that was started on the first day of the festival. Bayliss emerged next to sing the Disco Biscuits’ third-ever cover of “Rio” by Duran Duran. The jamtronica quartet kicked off their final set of the event by working the end of “Caterpillar” into “Munchkin Invasion.” Next up was the 2018 debut of “Caves Of The East,” which bled into a version of “Digital Buddha” featuring “Cyclone” within. The Disco Biscuits ended their time at Holidaze with the oldie “Morph Dusseldorf.”

Umphrey’s McGee closed out the main stage action at Holidaze with a pair of career-spanning sets. The band’s “Glory” opener led into “Attachments.” Standalone takes on “Higgins” and “Mad Love” came next before UM worked “Looks” into “Phil’s Farm” and “Den” into “Pay The Snucka.” The final frame of the festival for UM began with a pairing of “Nothing Too Fancy” and “Seasons.” Then, the six-piece treated fans to “Syncopated Strangers” complete with guitarist Jake Cinninger moving over to keys at one point. After “It Doesn’t Matter,” Umphrey’s honored Cinninger’s birthday (which was on Sunday) with teases of “Happy Birthday To You” during “August.” The 2018 debut of Tool’s “Forty-Six & 2” ended the evening for the sextet. Check out photos from Saturday at Holidaze captured by Josh Timmermans:

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Holidaze 2018 - Day 4-20181215- Timmermans - 0080

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The Disco Biscuits

Set One: Once the Fiddler Paid, Rockafella, Shelby Rose-> The Champions-> Kamaole Sands (ending only), Rio (with Brendan Bayliss)

Set Two: Munchkin Invasion-> Caterpillar (ending only)-> Munchkin Invasion, Caves of the East-> Digital Buddha-> Cyclone-> Digital Buddha, Morph Dusseldorf

Umphrey’s McGee

Set 1: Glory > Attachments, Higgins, Mad Love, Looks > Phil’s Farm, Den > Pay the Snucka

Set 2: Nothing Too Fancy > Seasons, Syncopated Strangers[1], It Doesn’t Matter, August[2], Forty-Six & 2

  • [1] with Jake on keys
  • [2] with Happy Birthday teases for Jake