Home News Trump doubles U.S. military assets in Caribbean, bolstering drug fight after Maduro...

Trump doubles U.S. military assets in Caribbean, bolstering drug fight after Maduro indictment


Trump doubles U.S. military assets in Caribbean, bolstering drug fight after Maduro indictmentThe Trump administration said on Wednesday it was deploying more U.S. Navy warships and aircraft to the Caribbean to prevent drug cartels and “corrupt actors” like Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro from exploiting the coronavirus pandemic to smuggle more narcotics. President Donald Trump said he was doubling U.S. military resources in the region, including destroyers, surveillance planes and personnel, in an anti-drug crackdown to deal with what he called a “growing threat.” The beefed-up operation – quickly dismissed by the Maduro government – will also call for sending Navy ships closer to Venezuela, according to a U.S. official and two people familiar with the matter, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Source: Yahoo.com