Home New England & Tri-State Music Hearing Aide: ‘Summer Dress’ by Cycles

Hearing Aide: ‘Summer Dress’ by Cycles


In these uncertain times, we’re seeing an influx in live streams and album releases as bands try to find ways to entertain their fans and make the most of this strange situation. Cycles, a psychedelic-rock-fusion power-trio from Denver, released their new EP, Summer Dress, on March 27th and also joined the nugs.net family that week, a move that ensures they’ll find plenty of new fans despite having to postpone their Spring Tour for safety reasons. These five tracks are the bands first release in three years and were all produced by Josh Fairman of SunSquabi, who helped encapsulate the tremendous skill that all three band members share into a record with a great live sound.

The opening track starts with a peek at Colin O’Brien’s incredible drum work before the lyrics offer a well-timed reminder that just because we may be stuck at home doesn’t mean we have to be stuck staring at the countless screens around us. Tucker McClung’s flittering bass plays wonderfully underneath Patrick Harvey’s guitar licks and jam at the end of “Robot’s Breath” put an instant smile on my face.

Next up is “The Key,” an instrumental that really highlights what this band is capable of. The first half of this gem is a composed masterpiece that each member shines on before they all let loose in the funkier, psychedelic second half. Patrick’s soaring guitar is what grabs your attention during the first listen of this track, but the intricate bass playing and the intense drums will be all that you focus on when you relisten to it.

The title track, “Summer Dress,” start with a twisting, airy introduction and after a stratospheric guitar solo, gets punched up in a blast of funk. After another jam that is sure to be incredible live, it ends in a flowing send off with Tucker’s bass powering through to the very end. This band has such a fresh sound and are able to bring new and unique takes to each of these tracks.

“The Clock” starts off like a sports car and Colin’s drumming takes a front seat during this offering. This track has so many levels to it and it’s an exciting ride. The first jam has a psychedelic Deep Purple vibe which makes it way into a slower, blissful jam a third of the way though the song. This transitions into a grimey groove that morphs into a rocket ship of a guitar solo. Each member really shows what they’re made of before this one finishes up.

Cycles’ EP finishes with “Sunrise,” a beautiful piece that musically showcases that specific time each morning. Starting off with a dreamy first half, it boils up into a sendoff as joyful as the rising sun. Summer Dress can be found on all streaming services and you can also find more information about the band and their current streaming plans on their Facebook page.

Key Tracks: The Key, The Clock

Source: NYSmusic.com