Home Jambase moe. Debuts ‘LL3’ At The Capitol Theatre In 2018: Pro-Shot Video

moe. Debuts ‘LL3’ At The Capitol Theatre In 2018: Pro-Shot Video


moe. recently announced a new studio album entitled This Is Not, We Are and shared “LL3,” its first single. The band debuted “LL3” live at The Capitol Theatre in Port Chester, New York on February 2, 2018 and Relix unveiled pro-shot video of the premiere performance.

February 2, 2018 was a historic show in moe. history as it marked the band’s return to the stage for the first time since July 28, 2017. The quintet took a hiatus while bassist Rob Derhak received treatment for cancer. Derhak led the group through a joyous “Rebubula” to open the evening and fronted the debut of “LL3” during the second set.

Rob revealed “LL3” takes its name from “lower level 3,” the floor at Massachusetts General Hospital where he received radiation treatment, as part of an interview with the Press-Herald in 2018. moe. went on to perform the song 24 more times since its debut, including at three 2020 shows.

Watch moe. premiere “LL3” on February 2, 2018 below:

moe. will release new singles from This Is Not, We Are each Tuesday and Thursday moving forward. The album, moe.’s first in six years, will be available in its entirety through Fatboy Records on June 26.

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Source: JamBase.com