Home Jambase Sadler Vaden Shares ‘Best Days’ Single & Video

Sadler Vaden Shares ‘Best Days’ Single & Video


Sadler Vaden released a new single, “Best Days.” The singer-songwriter and guitarist also shared a live solo acoustic video of the song from Carter Vintage Guitars in Nashville.

The new single follows the Jason Isbell and The 400 Unit guitarist’s 2020 solo album, Anybody Out There?, which arrived in March. Sadler Vaden now offers up new material with the solo acoustic “Best Days.”

Vaden detailed the new track in a statement. Read it below:

I wrote “Best Days” during one of my worst days. Nothing was going right and it was in the midst of the George Floyd protests. I started counting my blessings and realized that what I was going through was valid but nothing compared to what so many other folks are dealing with. ‘Best Days’ is essentially a prayer to myself but also a belief that I have. I choose to believe our best days are ahead of us and the time is now for that message.

Stream “Best Days” and also check out the live solo acoustic performacne from Carter Vintage below featuring Vaden on a 1925 Martin 00-28:

Studio Version

Live At Carter Vintage Guitars

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Source: JamBase.com