Home Jambase Dawes’ Taylor Goldsmith Performs Acoustic ‘Between The Zero And The One’

Dawes’ Taylor Goldsmith Performs Acoustic ‘Between The Zero And The One’


DawesTaylor Goldsmith shared video of an acoustic “Between The Zero And The One.” The song appears on Dawes’ 2020 album, Good Luck With Whatever.

Good Luck With Whatever arrived on October 2. Goldsmith detailed “Between The Zero And The One” in the note accompanying the acoustic performance video. Read his words below:

This song is about the narratives of separation. How we all tell ourselves stories to justify our decisions. We wanna go easy on ourselves, resist seeing ourselves as responsible, and simplify our circumstances enough to where they feel ordered and convenient. Unfortunately, that’s never quite the case….our experiences always fall somewhere between our different accounts, between “this” or “that” or between the zero and the one.

Watch Taylor Goldsmith perform an acoustic rendition of “Between The Zero And The One” below:

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Source: JamBase.com