Home Live Music News & Review How to Properly Price Your Event Ticket

How to Properly Price Your Event Ticket


Planning a big event can certainly be challenging, what with all the expenses that you have to take into consideration and the right pricing of the tickets, which will determine the number of people attending this event. Tickets must be priced high enough for you to make a decent profit, but also low enough so that you can attract a large number of attendees. Maintaining that balance can be difficult; unfortunately, there are no specific guidelines or a set formula with which you can achieve that. 

However, there are several factors that can help you effectively price your event tickets, so let’s take a look at them in the following guide.

Examine Your Target Market

An event can only be successful if you acquaint yourself with your target market. You should be aware of your target market’s wants and needs and whether or not they will feel comfortable as they spend money over your specific event. To start with that, you can see people’s opinions on past events on the internet, or you can survey the attendees of these events in order to find out their likes and dislikes, and to what extent they enjoyed this event. If you still can’t obtain that information, you may want to consider dynamic pricing for your event’s tickets.

Choose a Ticket Type That Will Best Suit Your Audience

Based on the experience your audience is expecting, you can decide which types of tickets to offer your target market. The people at https://www.ticketfairy.com/ explain that this step will give you an idea of how much to charge per ticket. General admission tickets, for example, will provide all attendees a basic experience of the event at a modest price, while VIP packages will provide their users with a more immersive and unique experience. Of course, your attendees should be willing to pay the price of these VIP packages. Otherwise, this strategy won’t work. At the end of the day, this depends on what your audience is expecting from that event.

Consider Your Expenses

Before making the final preparations, be sure that you make an estimate of your expenses while organizing this event. Expenses will change according to the type of event you’re hosting. However, there are some basic changes that are quite common in all events, like décor, logistics, sound and lighting, labor charges, volunteer work, venue, and artist booking. This will give you a preliminary idea of how much you’ll charge for your tickets. Of course, this number will change later after you finalize all preparations. However, you might not be way off the mark if you base your calculations on solid data.

The Number of Attendees

As difficult as guesstimating the number of attendees might be, this step is essential nevertheless in order to narrow down the pricing range of your event tickets. This step will be important when booking a venue. For example, if you’ve booked a venue with a capacity of 500, you should be positive that your number of attendees will be around that number. If not, you would be just wasting money. 

Consider the Needs of Stakeholders

If your event has a number of important stakeholders, you should take their needs into account beforehand. Your stakeholders want your event to succeed as much as you do, so your job is to consider the needs of your partners and sponsors, as this will help you calculate the break-even point of the event. After doing that step, you will be able to meet the needs of stakeholders and follow with the original agreement. Giving sponsors, vendors, and partners what they were promised will guarantee more collaborations in future events, which will strengthen your relationship with them.

Take Data from Previous Events into Consideration

As we mentioned before, analyzing data from previous events can prove fruitful. It will provide you with insights on how to price your events and give you guidance on how to follow through with your original plans. This step is important, as it will highlight errors and mistakes which were made in other events so you can avoid them, so make sure that you analyze this data before you start planning for a new event.

Because there is so much to consider when pricing tickets, it is crucial that you follow these steps and weigh your options carefully. Your goal is to maximize sales in order to make a profit, so make sure that all your efforts are exerted for that purpose. Furthermore, you need to carefully study how your target audience perceives your events so you can price your tickets effectively and give them an experience that is worth their money.

Source: Live Music News & Review