Home Jambase Jeremy Ivey Shares ‘Hands Down In Your Pockets’ Single & Video

Jeremy Ivey Shares ‘Hands Down In Your Pockets’ Single & Video


Jeremy Ivey previewed his Waiting Out The Storm album with the single “Hands Down In Your Pockets” and its accompanying video. Waiting Out The Storm is set for release via ANTI- Records on October 16.

Ivey discussed the forthcoming LP during his appearance on the latest episode of The JamBase Podcast. Jeremy’s wife, Margo Price, produced the 10-track follow-up to 2019’s The Dream And The Dreamer. The Extraterrestrials, his band, backs Jeremy on Waiting Out The Storm.

The singer-songwriter shared the following of “Hands Down In Your Pockets”:

living in the constant cycle of insane news that is making heroes out of evil men, furthering the mad haranguing of lies blasting out every screen at the same time. And living in a time when the meek did NOT inherit the earth but tried to save it, and got trampled by the blood drinkers and the money mongers. Where being born is signing a contract to give a portion of everything you own to this conscious-less monster. That’s what it’s about. Also, I put a public urinator in there too. See if you can spot him.

Check out the “Hands Down In Your Pockets” video, which was created by Jeremy Ivey and edited by Houston Matthews, below:

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More Jeremy Ivey on JamBase
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Source: JamBase.com