Home Jambase Kevin Morby Shares New Single ‘US Mail’

Kevin Morby Shares New Single ‘US Mail’


Kevin Morby follows the recent release of his Sundowner album with a standalone single, “US Mail.” Morby premiered the song as the encore of his livestream concert last week and today unveils the studio version, which was produced by Brad Cook.

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Morby shared the following note in regards to “US Mail”:

“US Mail” is a song I wrote about a mother communicating with her daughter via the USPS from within an inpatient rehab facility. Restricted from any forms of electronic communication, the two must rely on postcards carried by the United States Postal Service to reach one another.

My PO BOX is featured on the track artwork – please feel free to write me a letter and continue sending mail to your loved ones to support the USPS. It’s service has been integral to my career and I have been passionate about both sending and receiving physical mail since I was a child. It is simply one of my favorite things. I will do my best to write you back, but even if I don’t, please know that your letters mean the world to me and that I read and cherish them all.

Though we had originally intended to record this song in studio while mixing Sundowner, when the lockdown went into effect and the session was cancelled we decided to do it remotely instead, with Brad recording the music and me recording the vocals from our respective homes.

This release is dedicated to mothers and their children – and all postal workers everywhere.

KM, Kansas City 2020

Watch Kevin Morby perform “US Mail” during a recent livestream concert:

Listen to Morby’s “US Mail” single below:


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Source: JamBase.com