Home Jambase Lord Huron Announces New Album ‘Long Lost’ & Shares Single

Lord Huron Announces New Album ‘Long Lost’ & Shares Single


On May 21, Lord Huron will release a new studio album entitled Long Lost via Whispering Pines Studios Inc./Republic Records. The quartet unveiled “Mine Forever” from their fourth full-length studio album as well as an accompanying video for the single.

Lord Huron have been previewing the LP during their “Alive From Whispering Pines” livestream series. The mysterious “Mr. Tubbs Tarbell” appears in each episode and penned a letter regarding Long Lost.

The band previously shared Long Lost track “Not Dead Yet,” which marked their first new music since 2018’s Vide Noir. Lord Huron premiered “Mine Forever” during last night’s “Alive From Whispering Pines.” The series ends on April 15 at 8 p.m. ET/PT and can be viewed through Noon Chorus.

Watch Lord Huron’s Anthony Wilson-directed “Mine Forever” video below:

Long Lost Tracklist

  1. The Moon Doesn’t Mind
  2. Mine Forever
  3. (One Helluva Performer)
  4. Love Me Like You Used To
  5. Meet Me in The City
  6. (Sing For Us Tonight)
  7. Long Lost
  8. Twenty Long Years
  9. Drops in the Lake
  10. Where Did the Time Go
  11. Not Dead Yet
  12. (Deep Down Inside Ya)
  13. I Lied
  14. At Sea
  15. What Do It Mean
  16. Time’s Blur

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Source: JamBase.com