Home Jambase Darkside Details New Album ‘Spiral’ & Shares ‘The Limit’ Single

Darkside Details New Album ‘Spiral’ & Shares ‘The Limit’ Single


Back in December, Darkside unveiled “Liberty Bell,” the lead single from Spiral, their first album since 2013. Today, the duo — consisting of electronic musician Nicolas Jaar and multi-instrumentalist Dave Harrington — revealed Spiral is set for release through Matador Records on July 23 and premiered new single “The Limit.”

Work on the follow-up to 2013’s Psychic began in the summer of 2018, when Dave and Nicolas spent a week at a small house in Flemington, New Jersey creating a song a day. The pair wound up finishing Spiral a year and a half later and are now ready to share the album with the world.

“From the beginning, DARKSIDE has been our jam band. Something we did on days off. When we reconvened, it was because we really couldn’t wait to jam together again,” explained Jaar. “It felt like it was time again,” added Harrington. “We do things in this band that we would never do on our own. DARKSIDE is the third being in the room that just kind of occurs when we make music together.”

Stream Darkside’s new Spiral single “The Limit” below:

Spiral Tracklist

  1. Narrow Road
  2. The Limit
  3. The Question Is To See It All
  4. Lawmaker
  5. I’m The Echo
  6. Spiral
  7. Liberty Bell
  8. Inside Is Out There
  9. Only Young

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