Home Live For Live Music Roger Waters Offers Preview Of ‘Dark Side Of The Moon’ Remake

Roger Waters Offers Preview Of ‘Dark Side Of The Moon’ Remake [Video]


Fifty years after Pink Floyd defined a new era of rock music with The Dark Side of the Moon, the group’s former bassist/songwriter Roger Waters is planning to release his remake of the album recorded without his former bandmates. On Thursday, one day after the album’s 50th anniversary, Waters gave fans their first preview of his updates.

A 52-second clip shows Water sitting in the control booth, listening to his reworked version of “Us and Them”. The recording is ambient and spacious. Accompanied by an acoustic bass, he sings in a low whisper before strings begin to strike. There isn’t an electric guitar to be found as Waters’ voice is the only one heard. At one point, Roger appears to yell out from his seat what sounds like “Gonna want to hear more of that!”

In an accompanying social media post, Waters addressed what prompted him to redo one of the best-selling albums of all time. He said the idea occurred to him during production of The Lockdown Sessions, which featured similar acoustic and scaled-down renderings of Pink Floyd classics featuring vocal duo Lucius.

“It occurred to to me that Dark Side of the Moon could well be a suitable candidate for a similar re-working, partly as a tribute to the original work, but also to re-address the political and emotional message of the whole album,” Waters wrote. “I discussed it with Gus and Sean, and when we’d stopped giggling and shouting ‘You must be fucking mad’ at one another we decided to take it on.”

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Waters went on to confirm that they are currently finishing the final mix of the album. While Waters derided the artistic input—or lack thereof—of his former bandmates David GilmourRichard Wright, and Dave Mason on the original 1973 Dark Side of the Moon when he announced the remake last month, he also admits his new version is “not a replacement for the original which, obviously, is irreplaceable.”

“But it is a way for the seventy nine year old man to look back across the intervening fifty years into the eyes of the twenty nine year old and say, to quote a poem of mine about my Father, ‘We did our best, we kept his trust, our Dad would have been proud of us’,” he concluded. “And also it is a way for me to honor a recording that Nick and Rick and Dave and I have every right to be very proud of.”

Get a first glimpse of Roger Waters’ The Dark Side of the Moon remake with a snippet of “Us and Them”.

Roger Waters – “Us and Them” – Partial

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Source: L4LM.com