Mapache released a new single, “What A Summer.” The breezy tune is set to land on the project led by Sam Blasucci and Clay Finch’s upcoming album, Swinging Stars, due out on August 18 via Innovative Leisure.
Swinging Stars saw the duo of Blasucci and Finch welcoming drummer Steve Didelot as an offical Mapache member. Dan Horne (Cass McCombs, Allah-Lahs, Circles Around The Sun) produced the record and also played bass on all but one song as well as pedal steel on six of the LP’s 14 tracks. Swinging Stars also saw guest turns from Allah-Lahs bassist Spencer Dunham and acclaimed singer-songwriter/guitarist David Rawlings.
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Mapache Details Expansive New Album ‘Swinging Stars’ & Shares Single
Listen to “People Please,” the lead single off Mapache’s forthcoming album, ‘Swinging Stars.’
As Blasucci and Finch now live in different California cities for the first time in years, Mapache decamped to the idyllic Panoramic House in Marin County, California’s Stinson Beach to cut Swinging Stars. The new record saw the duo exploring their individual voices.
“Swinging Stars was probably the first Mapache record where each of us really leaned into our personal, distinct styles,” noted Blasucci, who just released his debut solo album, Off My Stars.
The latest Swinging Stars single, “What A Summer”, is more of a Finch tune with bubbling bass and shimmering pedal steel provided by Horne. The new track arrived with a music video featuring footage of Mapache recording Swinging Stars at the picturesque Panoramic House. Watch below: