Home Current News If Trump’s #CivilWar2 happens, we’ve got plenty of people offering to bring...

If Trump’s #CivilWar2 happens, we’ve got plenty of people offering to bring salads


If Trump's #CivilWar2 happens, we've got plenty of people offering to bring saladsDonald Trump apparently believes that his removal from office could hurt America as badly as the Civil War.On Sunday night, the president tweeted a very long quote that Southern Baptist Pastor Robert Jeffress said during an interview with Fox and Friends.”If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal,” Trump tweeted, adding his own parenthetical to the direct quote.> ….rid of Donald J. Trump – And the Democrats don’t care if they burn down and destroy this nation in the process. I have never seen the Evangelical Christians more angry over any issue than this attempt to illegitimately remove this President from office, overturn the 2016….> > — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 30, 2019> ….If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.” Pastor Robert Jeffress, @FoxNews> > — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 30, 2019By morning, CivilWar2 was trending, and as more and more people woke up to discover that the president had compared his own potential impeachment to a violent war things felt pretty chaotic.As always, though, a group of Twitter users decided to make light of the bizarrely unfunny situation by using the hashtag CivilWarSignup to offer valuable war-related services — such as tweeting and potato salad-making. SEE ALSO: Seth Meyers uses hilarious sports mascot fails to explain Trump’s John Bolton messWithin hours, CivilWarSignup began to trend, and now Trump has a bunch of volunteers should America be thrust into a Civil War Sequel-type scenario.While dress code for the war remains unclear, we do know that there will be several side dishes and comfort animals present.> I’ll bring paper plates. There are never enough paper plates.CivilWarSignup> > — The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) September 30, 2019> Hey y’all, Dan Quayle just called and wants to know if you would like him to bring potato salad or potatoe salad.CivilWarSignup https://t.co/a0g4FJ4ds1> > — Travis Akers (@travisakers) September 30, 2019> As soon as I’m done with hot yoga, I’ll be there. I’m not so good with the fighting stuff but I’ll help with the tweets. CivilWarSignup> > — Molly Jong-Fast (@MollyJongFast) September 30, 2019> I’ll bring the charcuterie. Nothing says Civil War like cheese that smells like the inside of a soldiers boot and hard salami, all delicately placed on a hearty piece of artisan bread. CivilWarSignup> > — ‍♀️ (@FeministBroad68) September 30, 2019> Pro tip: when the civil war breaks out do NOT join the side that puts raisins in potato salad. > > You’re welcome. I’m just here to help.CivilWarPotLuck CivilWarSignUp> > — THIS IS A MAXINE WATERS STAN ACCOUNT (@MsPackyetti) September 30, 2019> There is never enough ice. > > Warm Fresca has killed more revolutionaries than malaria.CivilWarSignup https://t.co/DzDgJ4U4xV> > — The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) September 30, 2019> I think we have enough artisan cheeses y’all. Can we get some spicy fried chicken and Mac and cheese or something not so elitist CivilWarSignup> > — Luke G (@LukeGumbrecht) September 30, 2019> I’ll bring non-alcoholic beverages for those of us in sobriety…CivilWarSignup> > — Travis Akers (@travisakers) September 30, 2019> Question re the CivilWarSignup. Will it be a catered affair, or is it a pot luck meal? I can choose appropriate attire based on the answer to this question. Thank you.> > — Eric Slater (@ericsslater) September 30, 2019> I can help. I’m Adjunct Prof at Trump Univ Dept of Haberdashery & Clothey Things. Many people are asking what to wear to a civil war. Proper attire is NEVER a black tuxedo. Strictly inappropriate as any civil war fought only during daylight hours, hence: white tux CivilWarSignup> > — Tomi Civil Ahonen (@tomiahonen) September 30, 2019> Can I just bring my cat as a comfort animal for us ? civilwarsignup pic.twitter.com/8f1oZJmrip> > — Luke G (@LukeGumbrecht) September 30, 2019> Chips and salsa. We’ll need that. And I make a decent guacamole.CivilWarSignup> > — John A. Kane III (@BigDaddyKane66) September 30, 2019> I will bring a nice fruit salad. With not too many grapes. Too many grapes can ruin it, I think. CivilWarSignup> > — Merry Dery (@merry_dery) September 30, 2019> Can I bring my dog? CivilWarSignup pic.twitter.com/wIzxkluavs> > — UsuallyAnnoyed (@GerryLikesTacos) September 30, 2019> I will bring fruit salad in a watermelon basket. Help stave off scurvy and rickets during the long campaign.CivilWarSignup pic.twitter.com/zytk7InZbC> > — Devin Nunes’s Nana (@myerschrisj) September 30, 2019Now that we’ve fantasized about a lovely war-free picnic, just a reminder that the president tweeting about a hypothetical war is not good or normal.

Source: yahoo.com/news