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Techno Man

Techno Man

Should doctors accept unvaccinated children as patients?

Four in 10 parents say they are very or somewhat likely to move their child to a different provider if their doctor sees families...

‘Hidden’ data exacerbates rural public health inequities

While some of the data rural public health officials need to serve their communities and guide public health policy exists, that data is hard...

Paper filter from local algae could save millions of lives in Bangladesh

The problem of access to safe drinking water in most parts of Bangladesh is a persistent challenge. Now, a team of scientists shows that...

New discipline proposed: Macro-energy systems — the science of the energy transition

Researchers propose a new academic discipline, 'macro-energy systems,' as the science of the energy transition.

Prescription omega-3 fatty acid medications effectively lower high triglycerides

Four grams per day of prescription omega-3 fatty acid medication effectively lower high triglyceride levels, but identification of secondary causes of high triglycerides, such...

New molecule could help improve heart attack recovery

Reparative medicine scientists have discovered a new compound that could shield heart tissue before a heart attack, as well as preserve healthy cells when...

Facts and stories: Great stories undermine strong facts

If someone is trying to persuade or influence others, should they use a story or stick to the facts? According to research from social...

Facial recognition technique could improve hail forecasts

The same artificial intelligence technique typically used in facial recognition systems could help improve prediction of hailstorms and their severity, according to a new...

Climate change to shrink economies of rich, poor, hot and cold countries alike unless...

Detrimental economic effects of global warming are likely to go beyond those being discussed in policy circles -- particularly for wealthier nations, say researchers....

Insomnia tied to higher risk of heart disease and stroke

Data from more than a million people found that genetic liability to insomnia may increase the risk of coronary artery disease, heart failure and...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...