Home Jambase Mandolin Launches Fan Navigator & Fan Pages Programs For Artists

Mandolin Launches Fan Navigator & Fan Pages Programs For Artists


Digital fan engagement and concert livestream platform Mandolin recently launched two new artist programs. Fan Navigator and Fan Pages enhance artists’ ability to deepen their engagement with fans and maximize revenue opportunities.

Mandolin, who Fast Company recently ranked as the No. 1 Most Innovative Music Company, detailed the new additions in a press release:

Fan Navigator is an all-in-one solution that unifies and enriches an artist’s data so they can truly know their fans; understanding them down to the individual with unique Fan Profiles and as actionable segments grouped via machine learning that predict level of fandom. The included dynamic playbooks give artists tailored marketing recommendations to activate each fan on their road to superfandom—all with data fully owned and accessible by the artist.

The integration with Chartmetric makes Fan Navigator the most powerful data dashboard available in the Industry. By combining Chartmetric’s streaming and social stats with Fan Navigator’s individual fan data, artists have an unprecedented view of their fan universe – helping them understand how individual fans level up to aggregate metrics.

“We’re delighted that Fan Navigator is providing even more artists with instant access to essential insight and helping them make decisions that will allow them to expand and building stronger relationships with their audiences,” Chartmetric Chief Commercial Officer Chaz Jenkins said.

Here’s what the press release noted on Fan Pages:

Fan Pages are the artist’s branded epicenter for fan engagement. A link in bio on steroids, Fan Pages replace boring rows of link boxes with rich media embeds, tour and merch store integrations, and survey and follower gates that reward the most loyal fans and de-anonymize passive fans.

Head here for more info on Fan Navigator and Fan Pages.

Source: JamBase.com