Home News Kanye West Concedes Election Defeat, Optimistic For 2024

Kanye West Concedes Election Defeat, Optimistic For 2024


As the US election cracks on and we all collectively clench, Kanye West has simply acknowledged his defeat. It was with a fairly calm tweet: “WELP KANYE 2024”, alongside his face in front of the electoral college map.

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Kanye shared today that he’d voted for the first time in his life, for himself of course.

“Today I am voting for the first time in my life for the President of the United States, and it’s for someone I truly trust…me,” he tweeted.

He then followed up the tweet with a photo of himself wearing the “I voted” sticker and captioning the post, “I VOTED.”

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Including his own vote, at the time of writing, Kanye has picked up 1,254 votes, for 0.3 per cent.

While you can’t fault the rapper turned presidential candidate’s optimism, West’s campaign hasn’t been the most organised. He missed the deadlines to register across 29 states and lost appeals in an additional five states.

Kanye recently told Joe Rogan he’d win the 2024 election. “I’m definitely, 100% winning in 2024,” he said.

“I was thinking I would possibly be the Democrat.”

West is set to appear on Jimmy Kimmel Live tomorrow which is bound to be an interesting watch, following their 2018 chat about Ye supporting Trump.

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Source: musicfeeds.com.au