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Watch Foo Fighters Perform ‘Times Like These’ At Joe Biden & Kamala Harris’ Inauguration


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are now, officially, President and Vice President of the United States of America respectively.

At their inauguration ceremony earlier today, the two had a huge stack of performers help bring them into office, including Foo Fighters.

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The band performed their 2002 classic ‘Times Like These’, with Dave Grohl dedicating the performance to teachers across the country.

He explained that his mother, Virginia, was a teacher, saying she was “a mentor for her students, remembered long after their graduation.”

The band were introduced by teacher Mackenzie Adams, and Grohl dedicated the performance to her and “all of our unshakable teachers who continue to enlighten our nation’s students every day.”

In non-presidential news, Foo Fighters are on the cusp of releasing their new album, Medicine At Midnight, due out Friday, 5th February.

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Watch the band perform ‘Times Like These’ below.

The post Watch Foo Fighters Perform ‘Times Like These’ At Joe Biden & Kamala Harris’ Inauguration appeared first on Music Feeds.

Source: musicfeeds.com.au