Home Jambase Amanda Shires Shares ‘Our Problem’ Fan Collab Video

Amanda Shires Shares ‘Our Problem’ Fan Collab Video


In January, Amanda Shires asked her fans to contribute to the video for “Our Problem,” a revised version of her “The Problem” single featuring such all-stars as Cyndi Lauper, Peaches, Linda Perry, Valerie June and Sheryl Crow. Today, Shires unveiled the finished project, which includes footage submitted by fans assembled by Deren Ney.

Shires continues to donate proceeds from “The Problem”/”Our Problem” to the Yellowhammer Fund, an Alabama-based reproductive justice organization. Amanda released “The Problem” on International Safe Abortion Day, shared “Our Problem” on the 48th anniversary of Roe v. Wade and issued the video today to coincide with Women’s History Month.

The “Our Problem” video compiles footage from dozens of fans, some of who lip-sync the words and others who play along with the track. “I can’t think of a better way to kick off Women’s History Month​ than to share this great collaborative video for ‘Our Problem,” Shires wrote in a note accompanying the video. “Thank you so much to everyone who reached out, shared their story, and participated in the video. You are all rockstars!”

Watch Amanda Shires’ “Our Problem” official fan collab video below:

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More Amanda Shires on JamBase
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Source: JamBase.com