Home Valley Advocate Backtalk: Irate over Iraq, Going Green, and Cat Burglars

Backtalk: Irate over Iraq, Going Green, and Cat Burglars


Flint the kitten. Photo courtesy of Dakin Humane Society

We’re Back, Iraq

Recent headlines announcing more U.S. troops to Iraq made me feel like the character in Bill Murray’s movie Groundhog Day, and with good reason … The politicians in Washington have been duped into believing that more violence will solve the problem — but it has not. The current political campaign reveals that neither candidate is capable of achieving a solution. The people of our country stopped a viciously violent war in Vietnam in the ’70s and the time has come to do it again, lest we suffer another 26 years of Iraqi bloodshed on our hands.

Lawrence Tucker,
South Hadley

Stein or Bust

Come on, folks. The Revolution has got to start today. How many more days of 95 degree weather do we have to endure? How many more months of severe drought? And if this year is like last year, we won’t have a fall. Stop being scaredy cats… vote for Jill Stein and the Green New Deal! If Jill got the attention Bernie got, maybe we could wake people up. Call all those climate deniers in Congress every day and give them hell. Call Mayor Sarno and tell him he’s insane to allow a carbon-spewing wood furnace into Springfield … They geared up for World War II overnight. They changed our transportation from street cars to highways overnight. The human race is capable of drastic change, [and] this summer is just a preview of what’s to come.

Charlotte Burns,

Chipping In

In response to last week’s Taste-Off, in which Advocate staffers compared 14 varieties of crazy-flavored tortilla and potato chips, then stacked them up by tastiness:

Cape Cod trumps all of those. Duh.

Michelle Trottier,


Go Team Flint!

This isn’t a letter to the editor. This is from us at the Advocate, to the eight-week-old kitten named Flint that was stolen from the Dakin Humane Society in Springfield last Friday — then, miraculously, found in Northampton two days later. Dear Flint: Yaay! We love you! Glad you’re safe and sound. Love, your Advocate peeps.

(Watch the animal shelter’s security camera footage of the incident at valleyadvocate.com).