Home Valley Advocate Saturday: Four Great Bands at the 13th Floor

Saturday: Four Great Bands at the 13th Floor


Ex-Temper (Facebook photo)

Temper Anthems

So many buildings are missing their 13th floors, who knows what’s knocking around inside that metaphysical space? The 13th Floor in Florence, for its part, seems committed to capitalizing on that mystery by packing multiple acts — often new bands alongside old — into one night. Case in point: the four bands playing Saturday night, headlined by Ex-Temper. Comprised of local scene vets Kaliis Smith (The Brass, Soul Magnet), Kate Dowd (True Jacqueline), Lynn Simonds (Friends of Yours), and Dana Wilde (Endless Mike), the hard-rocking Ex-Temper is looking to record an EP come January. Also on the line-up: freewheeling Northampton folk rockers Workman Song, Amherst dreamcore team Pronoia, and grit-pop New Yorkers Silverteeth.

Ex-Temper, Workman Song, Pronoia, and Silverteeth: Saturday, 9 p.m. $6-$9. 13th Floor Music Lounge, 99 Main St., Florence. (413) 586-5705.

— Hunter Styles