Home Music Voodoo Dead Ends November 2018 Run In Boulder: Photos & Audio

Voodoo Dead Ends November 2018 Run In Boulder: Photos & Audio


Images by: Jeremy Williams

Voodoo Dead :: 11.11.18 :: Fox Theatre :: Boulder, CO

Supergroup Voodoo Dead brought a series of November shows in Colorado to a close on Sunday night at the Fox Theatre in Boulder. The lineup for the finale featured guitarist Steve Kimock, bassist Oteil Burbridge, keyboardist Jeff Chimenti and drummer John Kimock. Vocalist Tanya Shylock made guest appearances during each set.

The quartet opened with Steve Kimock’s “It’s Up To You” complete with a jam on the Grateful Dead’s “The Other One.” Burbridge then took his first turn on lead vocals for “Gomorrah.” Shylock emerged soon thereafter to lead Aretha Franklin’s “Baby I Love You” and back Oteil on “High Time.” Sunday’s second set began with an expansive “You’re The One” and an unusual arrangement of “Deep Elem Blues.” Tanya then stepped into the spotlight for The Manhattan’s “Shining Star.” Next, Voodoo Dead and Shylock covered “The Weight” in the style of Aretha Franklin. The quartet went on to finish the frame with “Help On The Way” > “Slipknot!” > “Franklin’s Tower” and encored with Jimi Hendrix’s “Little Wing.” Photographer Jeremy Williams was on hand to capture the action. Check out a gallery of his work along with an audience recording of last night’s show:

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Voodoo Dead 11-11-18  (1)

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Audio | Taped by Gerry Gladu


Set One: It’s Up To You (w/Other One instrumental), Gomorrah, Sun Sun Sun, Baby I Love You*, High Time*, Tore Up Over You

Set Two: You’re the One (w/Pusherman), Deep Elem Blues, Shining Star*, The Weight*, Help on the Way> Slipknot!> Franklin’s Tower

Encore: Little Wing (w/Terrapin Coda)

* – w/ Tanya Shylock on vocals