Home Music ‘Will & Grace’ Star Megan Mullally’s Band Nancy And Beth Announce Debut...

‘Will & Grace’ Star Megan Mullally’s Band Nancy And Beth Announce Debut Australian Tour


Actor, comedian, musician and Will & Grace star Megan Mullally has announced she will bring her vaudevillian band Nancy And Beth to Australia for the very first time in 2019.

The project, which sees Mullally perform alongside her friend Stephanie Hunt, will play its debut Australian concerts in Hobart, Adelaide, Melbourne, Newcastle, Brisbane and Sydney in June.

While the details of the Sydney show are yet to be announced, organisers say “a special announcement will be made in the New Year”.

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Catch all of the tour dates and ticketing details, below.

Nancy And Beth released their debut self-titled album in April 2017, and the group’s 2019 Australian tour will also feature the talents of band members Datri Bean (keyboards, vocals), Joe Berardi (drums), Petra Haden (strings, vocals), Roy Williams (guitar, vocals) and Andrew Pressman (bass, vocals).

Mullally is best known for playing Karen Walker in Will & Grace, and has also appeared in shows like Children’s Hospital, Parks And Recreation (Evil Tammy II), Party Down (Lydia) and Bob’s Burgers (Aunt Gayle).

Nancy And Beth 2019 Australian Tour

Thursday, 6th June
Wrest Point Entertainment Centre, Hobart
Tickets: Ticketmaster

Sunday, 9th June
Dunstan Playhouse, Adelaide Festival Centre
Tickets: Adelaide Cabaret Festival

Monday, 10th June
Dunstan Playhouse, Adelaide Festival Centre
Tickets: Adelaide Cabaret Festival

Wednesday, 12th June
Elisabeth Murdoch Hall, Melbourne Recital Centre
Tickets: Melbourne Recital Centre

Thursday, 13th June
Elisabeth Murdoch Hall, Melbourne Recital Centre
Tickets: Melbourne Recital Centre

Tuesday, 18th June
Lizotte’s, Newcastle
Tickets: Lizotte’s

Wednesday, 19th June
QPAC Concert Hall, Brisbane
Tickets: QPAC

+ Sydney show TBA

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