Home Music PREMIERE: The Story So Far Unleash Explosive Live Video For ‘Proper Dose’

PREMIERE: The Story So Far Unleash Explosive Live Video For ‘Proper Dose’


The Story So Far have unleashed a cinematic-as-hell live performance video for the title track of their fourth studio album, Proper Dose.

Premiering exclusively via Music Feeds below, the slickly-shot ‘Proper Dose’ clip was directed by Elliott Ingham and filmed live during the band’s blockbuster sold-out show at Hollywood’s iconic Palladium last month. The clip is documentation of the band’s largest headline show to date at 3,700 capacity.

Give it a watch below to get yourself hyped for the Californian rockers’ massive Australian tour alongside Basement, which will see them hit Brisbane, Sydney (Lic/AA), Newcastle, Adelaide (Lic/AA), Perth and Melbourne this April (dates below).

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The Story So Far & Basement 2019 Australian Tour Dates

Tickets on sale Tuesday, 27th November from 10am local time

Thursday, 18th April
The Valley Drive In, Brisbane (18+)
Tickets: Destroy All Lines

Friday, 19th April
Roundhouse, Sydney (Licensed All Ages)
Tickets: Destroy All Lines

Saturday, 20th April
Cambridge, Newcastle (18+)
Tickets: Destroy All Lines

Monday, 22nd April
The Gov, Adelaide (Licensed All Ages)
Tickets: Destroy All Lines

Tuesday, 23rd April
170 Russell, Melbourne (18+)
Tickets: Destroy All Lines

Wednesday, 24th April
Arrow, Melbourne (All Ages)
Tickets: Destroy All Lines

Thursday, 25th April
Capitol, Perth (18+)
Tickets: Destroy All Lines

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