Home Music US Rapper Jay Rock Announces 2019 Australian Tour

US Rapper Jay Rock Announces 2019 Australian Tour


Grammy-nominated rap sensation and Top Dawg Entertainment signee Jay Rock is finally bringing his magnetic flow to Australia for the very first time.

Rock (real name Johnny McKinzie) enjoyed a massive 2018, with a prominent feature on the wildly successful Black Panther soundtrack as well as releasing his third album Redemption. His work on Black Panther track ‘King’s Dead’ earned him two Grammy nominations at the upcoming ceremony.

The tour is short and sweet, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be packed with energy. Rock will kick things off in Brisbane, before taking on Sydney and Melbourne and then heading off to New Zealand.

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Catch all dates, venues and ticketing details below.

Jay Rock ‘The Big Redemption’ 2019 Australian Tour

Tickets on sale now

Friday, 15th March
256 Wickham, Brisbane
Tickets: Handsome Tours

Saturday, 16th March
Metro Theatre, Sydney
Tickets: Handsome Tours

Tuesday, 19th March
Prince Bandroom, Melbourne
Tickets: Handsome Tours

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