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Random Sighting


Larry Dulong and Random Sighting Performing at Granby Outpost March 29 2019

by Jimm OD

These guys were sssssmokin’ when I first came in the door.  Random Sighting is always loose, kinda jammy, like casual but highly musical, showing Larry Dulong’s love of all things Dead-y melded with his own orientation to structure  as a songwriter.  It’s a balance-thing, and it works with his laid-back, good-natured disposition.

Larry’s own songs are concise, well-crafted folk-rock compositions, and his versions of others’ are respectful renditions such as come from one who recognizes his place in tradition.  Folks around here call him “the ultimate side-man,” but when he puts together his own posse, his understated leadership abilities show through.  More a facilitator than a stereotypical bandleader, his manner is really a lot like the beloved and muchly trusted  music director of a church fellowship.  Or a low-key em-cee.  Vegas goes woodsy.

Bass-man Forest Dulong’s ‘other boss,’ Jeremy Turgeon is the trumpet-toting guest du jour.  No matter whether there might be a trepidation or two about how a trumpet will fit with the format, this guy is the kind of amply-able professional who lays such apprehensions to rest, and quickly.  By the time the band comes to its last few minutes, Larry has come to be sufficiently conversant with the guest’s contributions that he knows how to put a wrap on this thing: they play “When the Saints Come Marching In.”  Perfect!

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