Home Current News Pompeo warns of ‘new turmoil’ if U.N. arms embargo on Iran lifted...

Pompeo warns of ‘new turmoil’ if U.N. arms embargo on Iran lifted in 2020


Pompeo warns of 'new turmoil' if U.N. arms embargo on Iran lifted in 2020U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo pushed the international community on Tuesday to work out how to stop Iran from being “unshackled to create new turmoil” when a United Nations arms embargo on the country and a travel ban on the head of Iran’s elite Quds Force expire in October 2020. Speaking at a U.N. Security Council meeting on Middle East peace and security challenges, Pompeo called for greater cooperation in the region to produce “fresh thinking to solve old problems,” citing problems including the Libyan and Syrian conflicts and a rift between several Gulf states and Qatar.

Source: yahoo.com/news