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Trump news: Impeachment support swells as president forced into rare apology after hurling abuse at overweight supporter


Trump news: Impeachment support swells as president forced into rare apology after hurling abuse at overweight supporterDonald Trump has apologised to a supporter he fat-shamed at his latest 2020 campaign rally in Manchester, New Hampshire, on Thursday night, after mistaking the MAGA fan for a protester and telling him to “go home and start exercising”.​On a typically wild evening, the president inspired new chants of “Lock her up!” and “Send her back!”, directed at Hillary Clinton and Democratic congresswoman Ilhan Omar respectively, took credit for an Obama-era law, pledged to cure AIDS and praised state representative Al Baldasaro, who once called for Mrs Clinton to be shot.Mr Trump has meanwhile expressed an interest in buying Greenland, the world’s largest island, according to The Wall Street Journal, prompting Denmark to tell him: “We are open for business, but we’re NOT for sale.”The president’s desire to buy Greenland has sparked considerable ridicule for Mr Trump, and one presidential candidate — Montana governor Steve Bullock — even went so far as to buy the website “IsGreenlandForSale.com”, and is using it to fundraise his long-shot campaign.Mr Trump was slated to hold a meeting with his top foreign policy officials on Friday, where they were to discuss a potential peace agreement with the Taliban.That deal, if it is managed, could allow the US to officially end its presence in Afghanistan after nearly 18 years of conflict.Please allow a moment for our liveblog to load

Source: yahoo.com/news