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Rudy Giuliani brags about his law school grades as he promises to sue Adam Schiff


Rudy Giuliani brags about his law school grades as he promises to sue Adam SchiffRudy Giuliani is an expert at the Constitution, thank you very much.The former New York City mayor turned personal lawyer to President Trump has been on an absolute media blitz in his attempt to defend Trump and himself in the impeachment inquiry — not that it’s gone too well. So he changed the subject during a series of weekend calls with Yahoo News, attempting to turn the blame on House Intelligence Chair Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and bringing up his own studies in constitutional law to back it up.Giuliani said over the weekend that he’s working with outside lawyers to bring a lawsuit against Schiff, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), and other Democrats backing Trump’s impeachment. Schiff’s investigation of Trump is intended to “deprive him of civil rights,” and the intelligence is trying to “inhibit me in my ability to defend” Trump, Giuliani claimed to Yahoo News. Tlaib, meanwhile, is apparently engaging in witness intimidation because she appeared to agree that White House officials who don’t respond to subpoenas should be hunted down, Giuliani continued. So he, along with an unnamed yet “very established law firm,” are intending to sue both of those congressmembers.Critics have already suggested there are some constitutional flaws to Giuliani’s plan, but Giuliani brushed one off as “nitwit” and claimed “I got the highest grade in constitutional law.” Of course, news of a second whistleblower with firsthand knowledge of Trump’s Ukraine dealings didn’t help Guiliani’s case, nor did the fact that Giuliani graduated law school more than 50 years ago.

Source: yahoo.com/news