Home Current News Hong Kong elders, youths vow to keep up pro-democracy fight

Hong Kong elders, youths vow to keep up pro-democracy fight


Hong Kong elders, youths vow to keep up pro-democracy fightHundreds of silver-haired activists joined young Hong Kong protesters for a unity rally Saturday, vowing that their monthslong movement will not fade away until there is greater democracy in the Chinese territory. The rally at a park downtown was among several peaceful gatherings by protesters this week to keep up pressure on the government amid a lull in violence following a local election victory by the pro-democracy bloc and the gaining of U.S. support for their cause. A local boys’ band belted out songs to tell protesters that “the whole Hong Kong is supporting you.” Speakers reminded the crowd that it wasn’t time to celebrate and that the fight for real autonomy must persist.

Source: yahoo.com/news