Home Ideas These Are the Last Pair of Leggings You’ll Ever Need

These Are the Last Pair of Leggings You’ll Ever Need

These Are the Last Pair of Leggings You'll Ever Need

I bet you already have a dozen leggings crammed in your closet, but trust: you need one more. You need the Ridge Merino Crowley Tights. Do not pass go, do not collect $100; instead just find yourself some internet and order up a pair faster than you can say, “Thank me later.”

Brought to life by the folks at Ridge Merino, the Crowley Tights hit a sweet spot of features that aren’t frequently found in gear. For one, they are constructed with 20% wool in combination with the other typical contenders, nylon and spandex. Why does this matter? Guuurl, you won’t ever stink in them. Promise.

Now, ask me how I know. I’ll tell you.

My family and I spent a few weeks in November traveling around Europe. But, since we’re dirtbags like that, we spent a large portion of the trip living in a campervan as we road-tripped through Germany and Slovenia, sleeping at highway rest areas and designated overnight spots. My point: we didn’t shower a lot. My second point: I didn’t feel like digging through my luggage every day to find new clothes. Ultimately, I decided that was an exercise in futility and opted to wear these leggings every single day for 11 days. I drove in them. I made dinner in them. I hiked in them. I explored a tiny Christmas market in Bled in them. I even humped our daughter up five miles of trails in Germany while wearing these tights.

And you know what? On that twelfth day, I took a sniff and easily could’ve kept going. They smelled fine. But, a woman has her standards, you know?

For me, the secret is in the blend. Not only do the Crowley Tights use wool, but they also boast a compression fit. This means they don’t do that droopy-drawers thing than we all know and hate with leggings. (I already carry a toddler on my back half the time, so I don’t need any help working against gravity!) They hit at the 7/8-length that is my personal favorite with leggings and also features a side pocket that stashes away a cell phone.

Beyond the materials, I appreciate the attention to detail. A high waist keeps….everything…tucked where it needs to be tucked. And, I can promise that they are not sheer. In fact, they have a thicker hand that makes them passable both on trail and with a long sweater for a quick apres snack or dinner. Finally, they clean up well. Like, literally. After our daughter dumped her mac ‘n cheese on me (#vanlife), I grabbed the closest option (her dirty t-shirt) and used it to wipe off my pants. Did they sparkle? I mean, not really but cheese has that effect on you. But they certainly cleaned up well enough to keep wearing them for another week.

Look, I get it: they aren’t the cheapest leggings out there and I realize sticker shock is a thing. But y’all: I wore them my entire vacation without questioning my life choice and my husband never questioned my odor. I feel like that says something. Give ‘em a try, and then report back.

Source: gizmodo.com