Home Ideas Vine Successor Byte Says It’s Working on Its Spam Problem

Vine Successor Byte Says It’s Working on Its Spam Problem

Vine Successor Byte Says It's Working on Its Spam Problem

Screenshot: Byte

Vine 2.0 is officially live, and it’s already crawling with users thirsty for those follows.

Byte—a video platform for six-second looping clips—officially arrived on iOS and Android last week. Since launch, however, users have reported their Byte posts being flooded with spam in the comments, meaning you may want to hold off on enabling those push notifications until the service works out some kinks. Dom Hofmann, the creator behind Byte and its predecessor Vine (RIP), addressed the issue both on Twitter as well as in a longer community forum post over the weekend.

“I wanted to post an update and make it clear that we’re aware of the issues with comment spam and more widely with certain types of comments. This is our top priority and we’re working very hard to address it. It should be noticeably better than it was 24 hours ago and should continue to improve over the next little while,” Hofmann wrote. “In the medium term, we’ll be making more dramatic changes to comments including a) the ability to like comments, and b) the abilities to block/filter/limit commenting.”

Separately, it seems the app is already working on improving its content-discovery functionality. Hofmann wrote in another post that Byte “will be receiving a large upgrade a little bit after launch. this feed will utilize machine learning and act as a personalized recommendation feed designed specifically for you.” He added that users will “be able to subscribe directly to channels to more notably incorporate them into Your Mix,” which will eventually be situated prominently in the Explore tab.

Hofmann said in the meantime, users will see the top 1,000 most popular posts in their feeds. He added that the feed will shuffle each time a user loads it.

As for all those follower-thirsty spammers? Hofmann said that Byte will be sharing information about a pilot version of the platform’s partner program “very soon,” meaning you can probably bank on hearing about Byte Creators in the near-immediate future. Enjoy the chaos of pure, uninhibited Byte content while it lasts.

Source: gizmodo.com