Home News Republican senator follows Trump’s acquittal with a new Hillary Clinton email probe

Republican senator follows Trump’s acquittal with a new Hillary Clinton email probe


Republican senator follows Trump's acquittal with a new Hillary Clinton email probeRepublicans have been begging to end impeachment so they can “get back to work” and accomplish “the priorities that matter most to the American people.”Apparently, those priorities involve whatever former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was doing in 2009. Because less than a day after voting for President Trump’s acquittal, Republicans are turning to investigate Clinton’s private email server, with Senate Homeland Security Chair Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) requesting more information on the subject from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in a Thursday letter.In the letter, Johnson discusses how he’s spent the past five years “conduct[ing] oversight of Clinton’s private email server” even though she hasn’t worked in the federal government for that entire time. He then brings up a September 2019 State Department report that found security violations regarding “the handling of classified information” on that server, and asks Pompeo for a 14-point list of information that delves further into the report’s findings.It’s unclear just why Johnson would want to touch the Clinton email investigation now that Trump has finally escaped the impeachment cloud hanging over his head. After all, questions about the 2016 election and unfounded claims about where that server physically ended up are a big piece of what launched Trump into impeachment in the first place.More stories from theweek.com How Trump’s New York trusted traveler ban will punish the most conservative parts of the state How history will view Trump’s impeachment Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade is really mad that Romney would ‘bring religion’ into his impeachment decision

Source: Yahoo.com