Home News Seven years after stepping down, Benedict fuels ‘two popes’ headache

Seven years after stepping down, Benedict fuels ‘two popes’ headache


Seven years after stepping down, Benedict fuels 'two popes' headacheSeven years after his surprise resignation, Benedict XVI — weakened by age but still intellectually spry — appears unable to remain in the shadow of his Argentinean successor Francis, creating the appearance of “two popes” at odds. On February 11, 2013, at the age of 85, the German intellectual Joseph Ratzinger announced in Latin to astonished cardinals that he would cease being pope, a situation unheard of for seven centuries. For five years, the unusual cohabitation in the smallest state in the world between the 265th pope in retirement and the 266th, Francis, went on without a hitch.

Source: Yahoo.com