Home Jambase Goose Performs ‘Arrow’ & ‘Butter Rum’ With Jeremy Schon: Pro-Shot Video

Goose Performs ‘Arrow’ & ‘Butter Rum’ With Jeremy Schon: Pro-Shot Video


Goose shared pro-shot video featuring special guest guitarist Jeremy Schon of Pigeons Playing Ping Pong. Schon joined the band for the end of “Arrow” and all of “Butter Rum” at a recent show.

The guest spot took place at the Madison Theater in Covington, Kentucky on Wednesday night. Goose and PPPP’s show wound up being the last together for the bird bands for a while as they announced the postponement of their tour due to the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak.

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More Bird Bands on JamBase
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Watch Goose perform “Arrow” into “Butter Rum” with Jeremy Schon below:

Source: JamBase.com