Home Jambase Joe Russo’s Almost Dead Details ‘RAD Night In America’ Archival Livestream Series

Joe Russo’s Almost Dead Details ‘RAD Night In America’ Archival Livestream Series


Joe Russo’s Almost Dead will launch the RAD Night In America weekly free livestream series on Tuesday, March 31 at 5 p.m. ET via nugs.tv that can be viewed through the JamBase Livestream Calendar. The band will hand-pick a full show from their archives to broadcast each week.

Up first is the quintet’s October 2, 2015 performance at Brooklyn Bowl in New York City. Brooklyn Bowl hosted the first Joe Russo’s Almost Dead show back in 2013 and the band asks fans to consider donating to the venue’s employees who are currently out of work. An IndieGoGo campaign has been started for the Brooklyn Bowl Staff Relief Fund.

Read a statement from Joe Russo’s Almost Dead below:

Join Joe Russo’s Almost Dead for our free weekly webcast series! Recline & rewind with us every Tuesday evening at 5:00PM ET and couch tour hand-picked full shows from the band, available to watch on at 2nu.gs/JRAD

We’re going to start with a show from Brooklyn Bowl. If you are so inclined, The Brooklyn Bowl staff on their own put together a fund that will benefit all hourly employees (service, security, production, kitchen) who are all currently out of work. The Bowl hosted the birth of this band and has been our home for many years. Feel free to contribute here.

See you guys soon.

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Source: JamBase.com