Home World Music Thelma Plum Returns Positive Test For Coronavirus

Thelma Plum Returns Positive Test For Coronavirus


Singer-songwriter Thelma Plum has announced she’s returned a positive test for COVID-19.

Plum made the announcement on her Instagram, revealing she was tested for coronavirus on Sunday (March 15), and just received the bad news.

The acclaimed Aussie artist didn’t reveal whether she was feeling ill, but told her fans that the Brisbane North Metro Unit are “taking very good care” of her and thanked the “the incredible staff here, the nurses, doctors, the nice man Steve who comes in to change the bins.

“To say they’ve gone above and beyond is an understatement.”

Plum, who won Album Of The Year at the recent 2020 Queensland Music Awards, stressed that now more than ever it is important “to be kind and compassionate to each other” and that “we need to be looking out for & prioritising the most vulnerable people.

“This means skip that party, bar, restaurant or show you really want to go to & practice social distancing,” she continued. “I cannot stress enough how much this virus has the potential to severely harm our communities (particularly our Indigenous communities).

Plum implored indigenous Australians feeling anxious or concerned to contact their Aboriginal Medical Service for initial advice.

“Alternatively you could contact the Coronavirus Health Information Line which operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week on PH: 1800 020 080,” she said.

She also criticised the government for its “lack of action” and called on schools to be shut, as well as structures to be put in place to “ensure low income families and vulnerable people aren’t being left in the dark.”


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G’day I just wanna let everyone know that unfortunately yesterday morning I was informed my test for Covid-19 came back positive. I am currently being managed by the Brisbane Metro North Public Health Unit and they’re taking very good care of me. At this time the Dr wants to keep me here until at least Friday, but the rules around being released are constantly changing. Tbh I don’t even really know where to begin, what a wild ride this last month has been for the world. All I can do is stress how important it is to be kind and compassionate to each other during this time & that we need to be looking out for & prioritising the most vulnerable people. This means skip that party, bar, restaurant or show you really want to go to & practice social distancing. I cannot stress enough how much this virus has the potential to severely harm our communities (particularly our Indigenous communities). We need to know that the public health system is going to care for our communities. If you’re feeling anxious or concerned you could contact your local Aboriginal Medical Service for initial advice. Alternatively you could contact the Coronavirus Health Information Line which operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week on PH: 1800 020 080. Looking after your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak is key so be sure to link up with places such as Beyond Blue by phone or webchat on 1300 22 4636. The lack of action taken by the government has left me feeling quite anxious and hopeless, as it has many other people. Schools need to be shut down but there needs to be structures in place that can ensure low income families and vulnerable people aren’t being left in the dark. People need to work from home and if they aren’t able to the government needs to step in & financially help. Putting a temporary moratorium on things like rent, bills & mortgages could be a great start. I also want to thank the incredible staff here, the nurses, doctors, the nice man Steve who comes in to change the bins. To say they’ve gone above and beyond is an understatement. Anyway, I am doing really good feeling good and being monitored by Brissi’s finest. Luv ya’s

A post shared by Thelma Plum (@thelmaplum) on Mar 15, 2020 at 11:11pm PDT

Plum recently announced a nationwide tour of Australia kicking off in May and going through to July. She did not address whether her diagnosis may affect the tour or not.

For the latest updates on how COVID-19 is impacting the music industry, head to our dedicated Coronavirus 2020 Feed.

The post Thelma Plum Returns Positive Test For Coronavirus appeared first on Music Feeds.

Source: musicfeeds.com.au