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Trump news: Trump mocked for telling fearful Americans to ‘stay calm. It will go away’ and ‘good things are going to happen’ in bizarre Coronavirus speech


Trump news: Trump mocked for telling fearful Americans to 'stay calm. It will go away' and 'good things are going to happen' in bizarre Coronavirus speechDespite blustering in public that the coronavirus is “Fake News!” and being weaponised against him, Donald Trump is reportedly fretting about the growing crisis behind the scenes, with one ex-West Wing official telling Vanity Fair: “He’s just now waking up to the fact that this is bad, and he doesn’t know how to respond.”The White House has said that the president himself has so far not been tested for the disease, despite coming into contact with several Republican allies who have since gone into self-isolation, including new chief of staff Mark Meadows and congressmen Doug Collins, Matt Gaetz and Paul Gosar.

Source: yahoo.com/news