Home News Buchenwald concentration camp marks 75th anniversary of its liberation

Buchenwald concentration camp marks 75th anniversary of its liberation


Buchenwald concentration camp marks 75th anniversary of its liberationWith the coronavirus pandemic wiping clean much of the calendar of public events in Germany, the memorial at the Buchenwald former concentration camp marked the 75th anniversary of its liberation on Saturday in a new way. It published online a “Declaration of Thuringia” (www.thueringer-erklaerung.de) — in German, English and French — warning that “human rights, democracy and freedom can by no means be taken for granted” as “right-wing radicalism and authoritarianism are on the rise”. “Racism and anti-Semitism are openly propagated and have led to acts of violence in Germany that would have been inconceivable even several years ago,” it stated.

Source: Yahoo.com