Home Current News Kosovo president Hashim Thaci charged for crimes against humanity

Kosovo president Hashim Thaci charged for crimes against humanity


Kosovo president Hashim Thaci charged for crimes against humanityThe president of Kosovo has been charged by an international court with war crimes and crimes against humanity, stemming from the tiny Balkan country’s war against Serbia in the 1990s. Hashim Thaci, a political leader in the Kosovo Liberation Army, was charged with 10 counts by a special prosecutor based in The Hague. Mr Thaci and nine others are “criminally responsible for nearly 100 murders,” torture and enforced disappearances, according to prosecutors at the Kosovo Specialist Court (KSC). Among the others indicted was Kadri Veseli, a wartime intelligence chief and former parliamentary speaker. “The indictment alleges that Hashim Thaci, Kadri Veseli and the other charged suspects are criminally responsible for nearly 100 murders,” the court said.

Source: yahoo.com/news