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Mary Trump says it’s ‘disturbing’ to watch family fawn over the president at the RNC


Mary Trump says it's 'disturbing' to watch family fawn over the president at the RNCPresident Trump’s niece, Mary Trump, has been watching members of her family parade in front of the cameras during this week’s Republican National Convention, talking about the president being family-focused and compassionate, and she said it’s been “disturbing to watch.””Maybe I know better than most people how untrue so much of what they’re saying is,” Mary Trump said on MSNBC Thursday night. “The idea of passing Donald off as a great family man is up there with trying to pass him off as a successful businessman.”People need to scrutinize his actions, she said, instead of listening to “what people who are either related to him or paid by him say about him. We have so much evidence that he doesn’t care about other people, that he doesn’t care about people in his family, and I’m not entirely sure why American citizens continue to be fooled by the rhetoric.” She’d like supporters to take a step back and “forget about whatever party you belong to, forget about your preconceived notions, and pay attention to what’s happened in this country in the last 400 years, or four years — I can’t tell anymore,” she quipped.Trump recently published a book, Too Much and Never Enough, about her uncle, and wrote that he used racial slurs. MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow asked her how she thinks he may feel about running against a Black woman, Democratic vice presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.). Trump said she thinks “he’s going to have a very hard time with it. He’s going to have to walk a tight rope.” It’s not just that “she is a woman of color,” Trump continued. “It’s Kamala Harris, who knows exactly how to speak to people like Donald. I was really pleased with her speech today because she made it very clear she’s not going to pull punches and she is going to go right at the problem, and Donald’s not used to that.” > Mary Trump on President Trump, her uncle: “He feels no shame. He has no humility. And that’s part of the reason we’re in the mess we’re in.” pic.twitter.com/eG129cWKjX> > — MSNBC (@MSNBC) August 28, 2020More stories from theweek.com McConnell inexplicably claims that Democrats want to tell Americans ‘how many hamburgers you can eat’ Bush’s 2004 strategist says ‘people’s hair would be on fire’ if Bush, Obama had used the White House as a re-election prop 5 more scathingly funny cartoons about the Republican National Convention

Source: yahoo.com/news