Home World Music Children Collide Share New Single And Video ‘Funeral For A Ghost’

Children Collide Share New Single And Video ‘Funeral For A Ghost’


Back in November, Aussie indie rock veterans Children Collide returned with their first single in years, ‘Aurora’, and headline shows in Melbourne and Sydney. Today, they’ve released another taste of their fourth studio album, sharing new single ‘Funeral for a Ghost’.

“I wrote it on an old Roland loop pedal when I was living in a dungeon in North Melbourne an eon ago,” explains frontman Johnny Mackay.

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“I had to open a trap door to get down to my room and you could see where a tunnel had been bricked up on my bedroom wall. I was listening to a lot of Sonic Youth at the time, constantly rotating between Murray St and Confusion is Sex. Listening to it now, the lyrics sound like I wrote them last week about COVID conspiracy nuts. Time is a flat circle.”

The track arrives alongside a Beat Club-inspired video directed by Mackay himself under his Lord Fascinator alter-ego. Check that out below.

The band’s forthcoming album will be their first since 2012’s Monument. No word yet on when it’ll arrive, but if you’re eager to hear, the trio will be hosting an album preview on Facebook Premiere and Instagram TV this Sunday, 6th September at 3pm AEST.

The post Children Collide Share New Single And Video ‘Funeral For A Ghost’ appeared first on Music Feeds.

Source: musicfeeds.com.au