Home Jambase Tune-Yards Release New Single ‘nowhere, man’

Tune-Yards Release New Single ‘nowhere, man’


Tune-Yards released a new single, “nowhere, man.” The duo of Merrill Garbus and Nate Brenner shared an accompanying music video for their first new music since 2018.

The “nowhere, man” video was created by Japhy Riddle and Callie Day. The track follows Tune-Yards’ 2018 album, I can feel you creep into my private life. Garbus issued this statement with the new song:

The song and the video for “nowhere, man” were created under conditions of feeling squeezed and pushed to the brink — relatively, of course. I wanted to ask, “How loudly do I have to shout and sing before I’m heard?” And the video asks, too, “What am I not hearing?” We hope the music brings energy and a strong wind of encouragement to those who are shouting and singing loudly for justice right now.

Watch the “nowhere, man” video below:

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Source: JamBase.com