Home News Country Artist Morgan Wallen Dropped From ‘SNL’ Performance After Maskless Partying In...

Country Artist Morgan Wallen Dropped From ‘SNL’ Performance After Maskless Partying In Alabama


Country artist Morgan Wallen has offered a solemn apology today after being pulled from his forthcoming performance on Saturday Night Live for breaking countless COVID-19 protocols.

TikToks featuring the singer in Alabama went viral over the weekend, which basically made it look like he was on some sort of rager – shots, dancing, making out with girls with masks around their necks. Not exactly COVID-safe.

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He took to Instagram in a video posted earlier today, saying “I got a call from (SNL) letting me know I will no longer be able to play.”

“I’m not positive for COVID, but my actions this past weekend were pretty short-sighted and they have obviously affected my long-term goals and my dreams,” he continued.

“I respect the show’s decision because I know I put them in jeopardy, and I take ownership for this.”

“I’d like to apologise to SNL, to my fans, to my team for bringing me these opportunities, and I let them down,” he later said.

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“I think I have some growing up to do. I think I’ve lost myself a little bit. I’ve tried to find joy in the wrong places, and it’s left me with less joy…I’m going to take a step back from the spotlight for a little while, and go work on myself.”

The episode Wallen was set to play airs this weekend, with a replacement act yet to be announced.

Watch Wallen’s apology, and one of the offending TikToks, below.


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A post shared by Morgan Wallen (@morganwallen) on Oct 7, 2020 at 3:06pm PDT

@ashleighludlamwhat is life . ##morganwallen ##bama ##fyp @morganwallen

♬ This Bar – Morgan Wallen

The post Country Artist Morgan Wallen Dropped From ‘SNL’ Performance After Maskless Partying In Alabama appeared first on Music Feeds.

Source: musicfeeds.com.au