Home Current News Fauci calls for a national mask mandate

Fauci calls for a national mask mandate


Fauci calls for a national mask mandateDr. Anthony Fauci, the U.S. government’s top coronavirus expert, said Wednesday he believes the Trump administration needs to instate a nationwide mask mandate. “If we don’t get one, then I would hope that the governors and the mayors do it locally, if it’s not done nationally,” Fauci told CNBC’s Shepard Smith on his Wednesday evening show.But Smith was confused by Fauci’s “hope,” asking if he was “still in the president’s ear.” “I haven’t spoken to the president in quite a while about the situation with regard to the outbreak,” Fauci said, again saying the U.S. needs, “mandate or not,” to wear masks.> Do we need a national mask mandate? How closely has Dr. Fauci been working with President Trump? What can we do to flatten the curve?> > Dr. Fauci weighs in on the coronavirus surge: “We are going in the wrong direction.” FollowTheFauci https://t.co/tUVtrSAoRt pic.twitter.com/EA1uXxcITi> > — The News with Shepard Smith (@thenewsoncnbc) October 28, 2020Fauci’s recommendation comes as COVID-19 hospitalizations hit record highs in 13 states. The U.S. also recorded 80,662 new coronavirus cases on Wednesday, close to a new high as well.More stories from theweek.com How to make an election crisis 64 things President Trump has said about women Republicans are on the verge of a spectacular upside-down achievement

Source: yahoo.com/news