Home Jambase Fruition Shares New Song ‘Stand With You’

Fruition Shares New Song ‘Stand With You’


Fruition released a new song, “Stand With You,” benefitting Color Of Change. The song arrived as a two-track single also containing “For You” off their 2020 release, Broken At The Break Of Day.

“Stand With You” features the Portland-based band’s Mimi Naja on vocals and mandolin, Tyler Thompson on drums, Kellen Asebroek on Mellotron and vocals, Jeff Leonard on bass and Jay Cobb Anderson on guitar, piano and vocals. Anderson, who also wrote the song, detailed the tune in a statement. Read his words below:

I believe that the most powerful things we humans can do in our lives are not things that benefit us personally, but things that help many. The power of giving is unmatched by anything I can think of. And the most valuable gift one can give is themselves. Their time and energy. Their commitment to help, learn, and change. And to truly change oneself for the better is what we must do to change the world for the better. Just like all journeys begin with one step, all changes begin with one action.

In a world filled with information/misinformation that seems all too divisive, I hope that this song inspires those who hear it to try to sympathize with another’s struggle, and to take a step in the direction of change for compassion, justice, and unity. That’s not only what this song is about, but what this life is all about, in my humble opinion. We hope you enjoy “Stand With You.”

Listen to “Stand With You” below:

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Source: JamBase.com