Home News Hear Denzel Curry’s Furiously Political New Track, ‘Live From the Abyss’

Hear Denzel Curry’s Furiously Political New Track, ‘Live From the Abyss’


Rap lord Denzel Curry has unleashed his fury on a politically-charged new track dubbed ‘Live From The Abyss’.

Dropping exclusively on the Bandcamp platform, the punchy tune sees the Florida MC rage against the social and political climate of 2020 America. It kicks off sampling a news broadcast from June’s Black Lives Matter protests in Minneapolis, following the murder of George Floyd.

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“I don’t fuck with my president/ Tried to block all Mexicans/ If he hear this message/ Please don’t send swat to my residence,” Curry raps on the track.

All proceeds from the digital single until the end of the month will be donated to youth NFP Dream Defenders, who campaign against police brutality.

It arrives on the heels of a collab between Curry and Australian EDM legends The Avalanches and rapper Sampa, The Great.

Take ‘Live From The Abyss’ for a spin below.

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Live From The Abyss by Denzel Curry

The post Hear Denzel Curry’s Furiously Political New Track, ‘Live From the Abyss’ appeared first on Music Feeds.

Source: musicfeeds.com.au