Home Jambase Russian Jam Band The Legendary Flower Punk Covers Widespread Panic’s ‘A Of...

Russian Jam Band The Legendary Flower Punk Covers Widespread Panic’s ‘A Of D’


Last year, JamBase introduced The Legendary Flower Punk, a Russian jam band who covered Widespread Panic’s “B Of D.” Today, JamBase is pleased to premiere video featuring the group’s rendition of another Widespread Panic instrumental, “A Of D.”

The Legendary Flower Punk consists of guitarist Kamille Sharapodinov, bassist Mike Lopakov, keyboardist Gleb Kolyadin and saxophonist Dmitry Vnukov along with Denis Antonov on electronics and percussionist Konstantin Smirnov. Sound for the band’s “A Of D” video was recorded in March 2020 at their rehearsal room with overdubs added this summer. The Legendary Flower Punk filmed the clip at a city beach in St. Petersburg and at the Finnish Bay.

“‘A Of D’ was an easy pick because we are an instrumental band and Panic has a very limited amount of tracks without vocals,” Sharapodinov told JamBase about the song choice. “When we covered ‘B Of D’ a couple of years ago we not only introduced ourselves (via JamBase thankfully) to American audiences but also introduced Widespread Panic to the music fans here in Russia because the jam scene is still something like a blank spot for the people in our country. And we are trying to change the situation.”

The Legendary Flower Punk will release a split LP with Magic Beans via Germany’s Tonzonen Records due out to a couple of months. Watch the band’s “A Of D” video:

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Source: JamBase.com