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Marco Rubio: Trump will ‘probably be the nominee’ if he runs in 2024


Marco Rubio: Trump will 'probably be the nominee' if he runs in 2024Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) doesn’t think President Trump would have much trouble if he gives it another go in 2024.There’s been speculation that Trump, who has not yet conceded the 2020 race to President-elect Joe Biden, could re-enter the fray in 2024, and Rubio — who is considered a potential presidential hopeful himself — apparently thinks there’d be a clear path to the nomination for the 45th president, telling reporters that “he’ll certainly be the front runner, and then he’ll probably be the nominee.” His reasoning is based on the large turnout Trump inspired in last week’s election.> Sen. Rubio’s full quote to me yesterday when I asked him about possibility of Trump running in 2024: “He’ll certainly be the front runner, and then he’ll probably be the nominee” pic.twitter.com/F0mAB7zDui> > — Sam Brodey (@sambrodey) November 10, 2020As Rubio noted, this is merely a personal presumption and “we’re not even through 2020.” That’s likely a reference to the Trump campaign’s ongoing efforts to overturn the results of the most recent election, but it could double as a more general statement that it’s far too early to be making 2024 predictions.More stories from theweek.com Ivanka Trump may have incidentally undermined part of the Trump world’s election argument Trump is a demonic force in American politics Trump’s most dangerous ideas always start as ‘jokes’

Source: yahoo.com/news