Home Current News Republican state AGs ask U.S. Supreme Court to hear mail-in ballot dispute

Republican state AGs ask U.S. Supreme Court to hear mail-in ballot dispute


Republican state AGs ask U.S. Supreme Court to hear mail-in ballot disputeIn separate filings, Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, joined by nine others including from Texas and Louisiana, and Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost said the justices should overturn the Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision that allowed mail-in ballots postmarked by Election Day and delivered through Friday to be counted. President Donald Trump and his Republican allies are waging a legal battle challenging the results of the election won by Democratic President-elect Joe Biden. “The Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s decision overstepped its constitutional authority and encroached on the authority granted to the Pennsylvania legislature,” Schmitt said in the filing, adding that it “aggravated the risks of fraud” in voting by mail.

Source: yahoo.com/news